The Company offers several tax-advantaged accounts through HealthEquity and encourages you to take full advantage of their money-saving potential. You can enroll on the Benefits Center website as a new hire, during Annual Enrollment, or if you have a qualifying life event. You may change your HSA contribution rate at any time during the year without a qualifying life event.
Key features

Tax-free money
Money goes in tax-free* and comes out tax-free when it’s used for eligible expenses.
Convenient payroll deductions
Contribute to your accounts easily and effortlessly.
Helpful budgeting tool
Plan for upcoming expenses by setting aside money each paycheck.
*HSA contributions are not subject to Federal income tax but are currently subject to state income tax in CA and NJ. Consult with your tax advisor to understand the potential tax implications of enrolling in an HSA and/or FSA.2025 Tax-Advantaged Accounts
Health Savings Account (HSA)
Available only to associates who enroll in the Standard HSA or Enhanced HSA.
Health Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
Available to associates who do not elect medical coverage through the Company or are not eligible for an HSA.
Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
Available to all associates.
What’s eligible?
The IRS determines what expenses can be paid with money from an HSA or FSA. Learn more about the eligible expenses for each account:
How much could you save?
Here’s an example. Let’s say Tom decides to set aside $2,000 in an HSA or FSA for the year. Normally, on that money, he’d pay $480 in Federal income tax, $100 in state income tax, and $153 in payroll tax. So, by contributing that $2,000 to his HSA or FSA, he’ll save $733 in taxes for the year.
Without an HSA or FSA, Tom would pay … | Savings |
24% in Federal income tax…………………………………………………….. | $480 |
5% in State income tax*…………………………………………………………. | $100 |
7.65% in payroll tax…………………………………………………………..……. | $153 |
His total tax savings for the year with an HSA or FSA …………... | $733 |
*HSA contributions are not subject to Federal income tax but are currently subject to state income tax in CA and NJ. Consult with your tax advisor to understand the potential tax implications of enrolling in an HSA and/or FSA.
Health Savings Account (HSA)
With the Standard HSA and Enhanced HSA, you’re eligible to open and contribute money to a Health Savings Account (HSA) through HealthEquity. The HSA is a tax-free savings account that you own. It offers triple tax savings — you contribute on a before-tax basis, earnings grow tax-free, and withdrawals are not taxed if used for qualifying expenses. You can choose to spend the money right away as eligible health expenses come up or save it for the future — you can even use it in retirement.
The Company also contributes money to your account based on your coverage level and the plan you choose. The full amount is contributed as a lump sum and should be available by January of each plan year, depending on your payroll schedule. If you are a new hire or enroll in the HSA at any time during the year, you will receive the full Company contribution for that year.
Get triple tax savings!
With an HSA, you can:
*HSA contributions are not subject to Federal income tax but are currently subject to state income tax in CA and NJ.Money in an HSA can be withdrawn tax-free if it is used to pay for qualified health-related expenses. If money is used for ineligible expenses, you will pay ordinary income tax on the amount withdrawn, plus a 20% penalty tax if you withdraw the money before age 65.
2025 Contribution Limits
The maximum amount you and the Company can contribute to your HSA is determined by annual IRS limits. In 2025, the total combined contribution limits are:
Coverage Level | 2025 HSA Contribution Limit* | The Company’s Contribution | You can contribute up to…** |
You Only
Standard HSA: $550 Enhanced HSA: $750
Standard HSA: $3,750 Enhanced HSA: $3,550 |
You + Family
Standard HSA: $1,100 Enhanced HSA: $1,500 |
Standard HSA: $7,450 Enhanced HSA: $7,050 |
*Per IRS guidelines, HSA contributions can be made or received only for the months in which you meet the eligibility requirements, including being enrolled in a qualified plan as of the first day of the month. If you enroll in a qualified plan after the first of the month, you are generally not eligible to make or receive HSA contributions until the following month. For example, if you are hired on March 15, 2025, and open an HSA, you are eligible to make or receive HSA contributions between April 1 and December 31, 2025.
**If you will be age 55 or older anytime during 2025, you may contribute an extra $1,000.
Who’s eligible for an HSA?
In order to establish and contribute to an HSA, you:
- Must be enrolled in the Standard HSA, Enhanced HSA, or another qualified high-deductible medical plan.
- Cannot simultaneously participate in the Health Care FSA.
- Cannot be enrolled in any other medical coverage, including a spouse’s plan or Medicare.
- Cannot be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return.
You should review IRS rules for making HSA contributions if you will turn age 65 during the year. For more information, see IRS Publication 969.
Getting started
To contribute to an HSA, you must enroll in the Standard HSA or Enhanced HSA. You will elect your HSA contribution amount during enrollment, but you can change it anytime during the year by logging onto Benefits Center or calling 1-888-606-9228. You can also manage your account through the HealthEquity website.
As you start using your account, keep in mind you can only spend money deposited into your account — your entire annual contribution amount is not available to you from the beginning of the plan year. Your HSA balance will grow as deposits are made from each paycheck.
Learn more about HSAs!
Visit HealthEquity for tools, videos, and other resources to help you understand the HSA. After you enroll in Company medical coverage, you’ll receive a welcome kit from HealthEquity with information on how to access their member portal.
Health Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
Using a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) for health care expenses is like getting a discount because you’re paying with tax-free money. The Health Care FSA is available to associates who waive medical coverage, are not eligible to contribute to an HSA, or choose not to contribute to an HSA. This account can be used for all eligible medical, dental, and vision expenses.
With this account, you can contribute between $260 and $3,200 for the year through before-tax payroll deductions. You must enroll in these accounts each Annual Enrollment if you want to contribute the next year, even if you already have an account. Your election will be deducted from each of your paychecks in equal installments throughout the following calendar year.
Use your money!
The money in your FSA does not carry over to the next plan year; you must “use it or lose it.” Request reimbursement or manage your account on the HealthEquity website.
How the Health Care FSA works
Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
All associates (even those with Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)) can enroll in a Dependent Care FSA to help pay for eligible dependent day care expenses before-tax. Consider contributing to a Dependent Care FSA if you need to pay for expenses associated with day care for an eligible dependent (child under age 13 or older than age 13 if disabled and claimed as a dependent, or adult) while you and your spouse work, look for work or attend school full time.
You can contribute between $260 and $5,000 (or $2,500 if you are married and filing a separate tax return) for the year through before-tax payroll deductions to help cover your eligible dependent day care expenses, including childcare for children up to age 13 and care for dependent elders. You must enroll in this account each Annual Enrollment if you want to contribute the next year, even if you already have an account. Your election will be deducted from each of your paychecks in equal installments throughout the following calendar year.
Use your money!
The money in your Dependent Care FSA does not carry over to the next plan year; you must “use it or lose it.” Request reimbursement or manage your account on the HealthEquity website.
How the Dependent Care FSA works
Compare Accounts
HSA | Health Care FSA |
Dependent Care FSA |
Available with … |
Standard HSA Enhanced HSA |
If you waive medical coverage or are not eligible to contribute to an HSA | All benefits-eligible associates may enroll |
Receive Company contribution? | Yes | No | No |
Change your contribution amount anytime? | Yes | No | No |
Access your entire annual contribution amount as needed? | No | Yes | No |
Access only funds that have been deposited? | Yes | No | Yes |
Use account money for… |
All eligible health care expenses |
All eligible health care expenses |
Eligible dependent day care expenses, including childcare for children up to age 13 and care for dependent elders |
“Use it or lose it” at year-end? | No | Yes | Yes |
Money is always yours to keep? | Yes | No | No |